Volunteer with Western International
Every year, Western International recruits hundreds of volunteers who assist with the coordination, planning and implementation of activities and programs. Students can also volunteer with us through the Western Peer Leader Program.
Meet some of our recent volunteers
Current Opportunities:
- Global Café Activities Coordinator (Summer)
- Global Café Activities Coordinator (Fall/ Winter)
- International Student Photographer (Summer)
- International Student Photographer (Fall/Winter)
- International Student Videographer (Summer)
- International Student Videographer (Fall/Winter)
Benefits of volunteering with us:
- Form connections with the Western and international communities
- Get active
- Enhance skills and gain Canadian career-related experience
- Learn about different aspects of Canadian culture
- Get to know Western International staff
- Learn about the student workshops and resources in all areas of Western International and the Student Development Centre
Volunteer positions:
- some roles are offered through Western Peer Leader Program, such as:
- English Conversation Program Facilitator
- International Student Activity Coordinator
- Assistant Facilitator for Spousal Events
- International Student Transition Activity Coordinator
- Photographer/Videographer
Other Western International volunteer opportunities:
- International Student Orientation Student Leader and Volunteer positions
- Peer Guide
- International Learning Ambassador
- International Week Volunteer