English Conversation Program
Enhance your skills and gain confidence in your English with the English Conversation Program
What is the English Conversation Program (ECP)?
English Conversation sessions are led by trained student volunteers, called Facilitators, in an informal and friendly atmosphere. Facilitators will prepare conversation topics, activities, or games based on the interests of group participants.
Sessions are held weekly for eight weeks per term. Participants are placed in small groups (up to 10 people) and the sessions are led by one Facilitator.
Who Can Join?
Anyone in the Western community! This includes spouses, post-doctoral scholars, visiting scholars, researchers and more.
What can I Expect?
- Casual English conversation in a relaxed environment.
- Opportunity to improve your English communication skills (speaking & listening)
- Increased confidence & comfort level when using English
- Conversations on Canadian culture, customs, idioms, etc.
- A fantastic chance to meet people from different areas of the university community
- Canadian culture and history
- Idioms and Canadian Expressions
- Cultural comparisons
- English grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary
- Ordering at restaurants and cafes
- More

English Conversation Program registration will open in advance of every academic term.
Registration opens September, January and May.
Please send questions to ecp@uwo.ca.
Volunteer with us
English Conversation Program Facilitators are recruited through the Western Peer Leader (WPL) Program during the winter term for the following fall/winter school year.
Please find the role description and application instructions on the Western Peer Leader Program page.