Message to Students on Anti-Black Racism

Western International offers our support and solidarity to the Black community, and to all the Black students, staff and faculty at Western. We stand against racism, discrimination, and oppression in all its forms.

The racist events that have shaken and saddened us all over the past weeks are devastating examples of the destructive power of systemic anti-Black racism and exemplify that racism runs deep in our systems and institutions. Canada and Western are not immune. Racism is experienced by Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour in Canada, and is not exclusive to any geographic region.

We acknowledge that we have much more work to do but we want you to know that we are committed to engaging in dialogue, supporting those affected, and fostering safe, positive and inclusive environments.  We call on all members of our vibrant and diverse community to engage in anti-racist work by listening, learning and unlearning, and speaking out against injustice. We all have a role to play in contributing to an environment where everyone feels safe, recognized, valued, and respected.

Education is key in helping us all develop a deeper understanding of the importance of anti-racism work.

In these challenging times we urge you to reach out, take care of yourselves, and more than ever, take care of each other. If you need support, or just someone to talk to, please contact us.

If you have experienced, witnessed or been told about a behaviour that may relate to discrimination you may request a confidential consultation with Equity & Human Rights Services.

To learn more about well-being supports on campus, visit the Health & Student Support website

For information and resources, visit the Student Experience Equity, Diversity and Inclusion website

The following organizations also provide student-led support to our Western community:

Western will hold a virtual town hall on June 24 about the report of the Anti-Racism Working Group. Watch for details coming soon.